#Yellow #Service #6th-8th #Graders #Between #Campus
Currently, our 6-8th graders are given a RTA pass to get to/from the Camp St location of the International School of Louisiana and the Westbank.
Crime in our city is at an all time high. People are pumping gas and getting robbed, their cars stolen, shot. A month ago, there was an attempted carjacking of an RTA bus. What if our children were on a bus, by themselves, and this happened? This is just crime happening in our city, and speaks nothing of the child/human trafficking that occurs.
Yellow school bus service is provided for 3-5 graders, why are our 6-8 graders not provided the same service? This petition will be used to go to the board to ask for them to re-evaluate their transportation policies.
Thank you for your support.
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