#defra #Geronimo the Alpaca #animal welfare #TB
Kidtowne has been negligent and abusive to children. It is time to take a stand and have this facility shut down. Numerous parents and former teachers have reached out on Facebook and told their story. It is time for a change. Our children deserve better. Kidtowne is no longer providing incident reports to parents when children get hurt, they do not properly clean the establishment which is causing children to continuously get sick, the staff is not trained, some staff members are under the influence of drugs while watching children, they are accepting children with fevers into the facility, they have open cases with DHR, and they are hitting and bullying children in the facility and refusing to show camera footage to requesting parents. No more secrets and No more lies! It is time to SHUT DOWN KIDTOWNE.
If you want us to advertise this petition on Google and Facebook to those people who may be interested, please donate.