Petition for Mihoyo to add Aloy Constellations

Target: 500
Start petition: 2022-08-15 13:35:37

#Petition   #Mihoyo   #Constellations   

As an Aloy main and maining her for over 5 months i noticed some problems whit her kit that can be fixed whit Constellations:

1.Her normal attacks have low scalling for some one who infuses her attacks whit Cryo

2.Her E Skill has low scalling and weird aiming,this skill is tied to the talent that infuses her normals whit cryo,the problem is the bomblets from her e have a cd of 0.1 sec whic makes getting coil stacks harder

3.Her Ultimate which is pretty strong has low scalling

All these problems can be fixed whit Constellations

Im writting this to Mihoyo as a way to show them we love Aloy and we want her to be viable!

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Last Comments

Bruce Waddell   ( 2022-08-30 05:21:16 )

What bright thinking!
Amy Smith   ( 2022-09-19 11:40:27 )

This is a wonderful thesis! Good job!
Anonymous commenter   ( 2022-09-20 08:03:48 )

Out of this world!
Dorothy Beierle   ( 2022-09-02 09:51:48 )

Your enthusiasm shows! Wonderful job!
