#Petition #Mihoyo #Constellations
As an Aloy main and maining her for over 5 months i noticed some problems whit her kit that can be fixed whit Constellations:
1.Her normal attacks have low scalling for some one who infuses her attacks whit Cryo
2.Her E Skill has low scalling and weird aiming,this skill is tied to the talent that infuses her normals whit cryo,the problem is the bomblets from her e have a cd of 0.1 sec whic makes getting coil stacks harder
3.Her Ultimate which is pretty strong has low scalling
All these problems can be fixed whit Constellations
Im writting this to Mihoyo as a way to show them we love Aloy and we want her to be viable!
If you want us to advertise this petition on Google and Facebook to those people who may be interested, please donate.