Keep Beta fishes out of cheap pet stores-STOP BETA ABUSE

Target: 200
Start petition: 2022-08-18 18:11:24

#Animals    #fish    #betas    #Animals    #AnimalRightsMatter    #pet stores   

There are so many beta fishes out in pet stores and they are often kept in very small containers , one visit I have seen 3 dead in a small container !! It’s so sad, Beta fish NEED bigger tanks if they are even going to be sold- otherwise keep them out of pet stores!! They are abused at MOST pet stores!!!! Let’s get them big tanks  that actually let Them live happily or stop sales completely !!!

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Last Comments

Graciously Saved   ( 2022-10-03 01:12:38 )

Youve shown so much growth!
Janice Grogg   ( 2022-09-19 14:19:21 )

You show great promise!
Anonymous commenter   ( 2022-09-21 23:55:53 )

I love your enthusiasm!
Anonymous commenter   ( 2022-09-03 19:24:09 )

You make a great point here!
