Make Taco Tuesdays an official Agile Cermony

Target: 100
Start petition: 2022-07-06 02:37:14

#Tuesdays   #official   #Cermony   

Taco Tuesdays should become an official Agile event, including sub events such as taco planning, daily taco, taco retrospective, taco refinement and taco review. 

Taco Tuesdays should also offer margaritas, as a team building measure. 

More to come as we work on the agile framing of taco Tuesdays. 

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Top 10 donaters

Anonymous donater: 162 $
( 2022-10-05 11:43:21 )
Anonymous donater: 25 $
( 2022-07-23 13:41:06 )
