The Residents of Wittmann, Circle City, Whispering Ranch, Mobile Gardens I & II, and Morristown oppose the rezoning and over development and pillaging of our water supply.
The City of Surprise has been annexing our land for their own financial greed. This annexation is theft all for taxation. Surprise and Maricopa County has taken our voice and we want it back.
Our concerns are as follow:
1. The developer is tapping into aquifer with a water permit report from 2005.
2. 5-6 homes per acre. (1 home per 1-4 acres is standard in area
3. The developer is planning 2000 new single family homes in a congested area.
4. Building on open range cattle land.
5. Stripping the desert floor bare.
6. Protected Wildlife & Vegetation (desert tortoise, cougar, Mojave rattlesnake, and more
7. Most of Wittmann and all of Whispering Ranch homes use personal wells that will be quickly depleted leaving cost of new wells to residents & aquifer dry in a few years.
8. Heat bubble / pollution are environmental concerns.
9. Over development during water crisis.
10. The proposed land sale for the BNSF is a huge concern for us especially with protecting the ground water.
11. According to Wittman US Post office we have 2671 physical addresses and 700 PO Boxes.
We the Citizens respectfully request the termination of these developments.
Walden Ranch - Zone case# Z2022040 CPA case # CPA2022001
Rancho Maria - Zone case # Z2022041 CPA case # CPA2022002
Please help us keep the last desert rural area in the west valley safe for urbanization.
Please Sign this petition AND file an Appeal with Maricopa County
Let me assure you neighbors, Surprise is coming after all of us. They want our taxes for their own greed. Once they annex your neighborhood, YOU will be paying taxes for absolutely NO representation. YOU will have NO say in how the taxes are spent. Surprise will tax you and give you nothing. Is this really what you want? None of us will be exempt. Our only choice is to Incorporate. Names of towns will not change; your town identity will remain the same. If Wittmann alone can incorporate it will stop surprise from taking your town, but YOU must get involved. You must help by signing the petitions and attending the meetings. Tell your neighbor. Wittmann intends to create a very small government with a planning commission to stop over building and stop Surprise. Join us or join Surprise, Your choice.
If you want us to advertise this petition on Google and Facebook to those people who may be interested, please donate.