Cloudflare, stop supporting IBSA websites

Target: 100
Start petition: 2022-08-28 15:21:28

#Cloudflare,   #supporting   #websites   

Image based sexual assault, abbreviated as IBSA, is the act of posting another person’s intimate images without their consent. This can include nudes, photos taken without consent, and a host of other methods to acquire the images. IBSA is incredibly damaging for victim’s mental health and often leads to additional damaging acts from those that see their photos such as doxxing, harassment, family and coworkers receiving their images, and many more. IBSA is illegal across the United States and Europe for these damaging effects and must be fought against. 

So why is it that Cloudflare enables sites that post IBSA by providing them security and service? 

An open letter to Cloudflare Inc.:

For the past week, Cloudflare has come under scrutiny for providing security services to KiwiFarms, a site that is notorious for bullying, doxxing, misogyny, and a host of other offenses that break Cloudflare’s terms of service. Despite public pressure to abide by their own terms of service and drop service from KiwiFarms, Cloudflare has refused to make a response and continued to support the site. KiwiFarms is not the first dangerous site to be protected by Cloudflare, however, as Cloudflare services a multitude of other sites that participate in image based sexual abuse (IBSA), including anonib, anonvault, statewinz, leakedb, and many more. These sites almost exclusively target women, especially women of minority groups such as BIPOC, trans, and queer women. Considering Cloudflare’s continued association with sites that target these groups, we believe it is necessary to expand the criticism of Cloudflare’s inaction against KiwiFarms to include their inaction to combat any sites engaged in IBSA that are protected by their services. 

By protecting these sites, Cloudflare is enabling perpetrators of IBSA to continue to harass, threaten, and victimize people. In this way, Cloudflare is not adhering to its own terms of service. Is Cloudflare a company based on hypocrisy, or will it step up to protect victims and prevent more crimes from being committed? Cloudflare’s current strategy of forwarding individually submitted reports of IBSA to the webhost of the offending site and then believing their part is over is not enough; Cloudflare has a responsibility to ensure the content they protect follows all terms of service and laws independent of what a third party webhost believes. 

It is critical for Cloudflare to act on behalf of IBSA victims by removing service from sites that post IBSA and reporting all illegal activity to law enforcement. Thus, we demand that Cloudflare make a statement indicating their intention to stop servicing any and all sites that break their terms of service and the law, report all illegal content to law enforcement, and investigate the sites listed in this open letter in order to protect victims of IBSA and stop enabling their victimizers. Every second an IBSA site remains active is another second where people are needlessly victimized and scarred. We say to Cloudflare that the time to act is now.

We await your action,


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Last Comments

Anonymous commenter   ( 2022-09-28 23:26:53 )

You are so artistic!
