#Opposition #Rezoning #Mountain #Laurel
Please provide support in opposing the rezoning of Mountain Laurel Golf Club.
Per the recently published Time News Article on 29 July 2022,
The Mountain Laurel Golf Course’s owners gave a presentation requesting a change in zoning for their property in East Side Borough/Kidder Township located in Carbon County from its current CR (recreation) to B1 (highway business). The intent is to convert this property into a suitable location for warehousing.
Warehouses at this location will dramatically change the character and quality of the White Haven Area. Negative impacts include limiting outdoor recreational opportunity, increase in traffic, negative impacts on current infrastructure including sewer, water, and roadways, negative environmental impacts in loss of habitat, and added noise and air pollution.
The White Haven local economy relies heavily on seasonal tourism. Building these structures near accompanying PA State Game Lands and Hickory Run State Park could have adverse effects on outdoor recreation beyond the scope of golf.
In addition to showing your support by signing this petition, please email eastsideborough@outlook.com and state your reasons why you are personally against the rezoning of property.
If you want us to advertise this petition on Google and Facebook to those people who may be interested, please donate.