Create Small Dog Areas at Johnson County KS Dog Parks

Target: 1000
Start petition: 2022-09-04 22:36:21

#dog parks   

There is a substantial problem with large and aggressive dogs biting and terrorizing small dogs at Johnson County KS Dog Parks.

The Parks Police are unable to remove aggressive dogs unless they cause a substantial bite with bleeding. Local Animal Control will not handle cases inside of the JOCO Parks. 

Most other counties and cities across the country provide divided dog parks. Currently, only Leawood dog park has a separate area for small dogs.  Both Stoll, Shawnee Mission and Heritage dog parks are very large in area. Stoll is already divided into two sections with fencing and gating. Heritage already has multiple gates and is large enough to carve an area for small dogs. 

As owners of small dogs, we ask the JOCO Parks Commission. to initiate these changes as soon as possible and to include small dog areas in any future dog park plans.


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Last Comments

Kris Felton   ( 2022-09-28 21:39:56 )

You are so intelligent!
Mike Berry   ( 2022-09-24 20:29:02 )

This hypothesis is amazing! I cant wait to see where you take it!

Top 10 donaters

Casey Buonocore: 25 $
( 2022-09-19 23:23:53 )
