Reinstate F Bus At Biel

Target: 100
Start petition: 2022-09-10 02:47:52


This year Rutgers took Biel Road off the F bus route. Now the E buses are overcrowded and people are constantly late to class. Sign this petition so that we can fix our transportation schedule. 

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Last Comments

Anonymous commenter   ( 2022-09-20 13:24:56 )

No grammatical errors in this paragraph! I m so proud!
Courtney Leigh   ( 2022-09-14 16:34:27 )

You make me want to learn more about this topic!
Carol Struckman hotchkiss   ( 2022-09-30 17:03:43 )

You did a tremendous job!
Anonymous commenter   ( 2022-09-21 20:49:11 )

My goodness, how impressive!

Top 10 donaters

Eliane Lorenville: 30 $
( 2022-09-10 05:38:12 )
