Bring back the taco bell enchirito

Target: 500
Start petition: 2022-09-13 23:14:24


For many years taco bell sold enchiritos then suddenly it was off the menu. Many customers have memories and loved this food item sold at taco bell. We want it back, taco bell removed out of no where and we ( customers) would love to see this cheesy, beefy mouth watering food back..let the new generation get a taste of what there missing.  

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Last Comments

Anonymous commenter   ( 2022-09-30 18:08:47 )

Reading this made my day!
Anonymous commenter   ( 2022-10-06 01:26:42 )

This is magical work!
Steven Lerner   ( 2022-10-05 08:19:29 )

You make me want to learn more!
Dorothy Francis   ( 2022-09-17 06:39:51 )

What a great vision you have!

Top 10 donaters

Anonymous donater: 185 $
( 2022-10-03 06:55:06 )
