Make Wednesday a Remote Learning Day(LEXCS)

Target: 100
Start petition: 2022-10-25 23:04:20

#Wednesday   #Remote   #Learning   #Day(LEXCS)   

I believe that a schedule with Wednesday as a remote learning day for tutoring(being optional) would promote children and teenagers to focus more, be healthier, be happier, and overall, do better in school. Imagine it’s Monday morning, you’re tired, you just had a long week and the weekend is already over. Sounds like an average Monday right? Now imagine you’ve woken up on a Monday but instead of knowing the entire week you have ahead of you and how tediously annoying it will be, you only imagine Monday and Tuesday. Then on Thursday, you’ll be well rested for the two days you have ahead of you. It would be even more beneficial if we had 3 days out of school, Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday but I understand that scheduling may already be tight and keeping a two day weekend may be preferred. Irregardless, if students and faculty followed this schedule, though it may disrupt scheduling a little bit at first, they will prove to be more efficient and more calm throughout the week. It is such a struggle working through a long week and this schedule would resolve that issue. This is why I believe that we should change the schedule and promote good mental health within our schools students and staff to create a better work environment and to train us to be more productive in our everyday lives.

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Last Comments

Anonymous commenter   ( 2022-09-20 16:17:07 )

Way to think it through!
Hau L Kap   ( 2022-09-26 17:19:25 )

Your handwriting is just lovely!
Jordan Clyburn   ( 2022-09-29 01:27:54 )

You were very clear, concise, and complete!
