Improve Safety and Traffic Control in the Kate Sullivan School Z

Target: 200
Start petition: 2022-09-19 18:04:56

#Improve   #Safety   #Traffic   #Control   #Sullivan   #School   

Kate Sullivan’s growing student population has increased pedestrian and vehicle traffic traveling to and from the school during pick up and drop off times. Speeding cars, more traffic and busy crosswalks have created safety issues around the school that we would like the City of Tallahassee to address.

Issue 1: School Zone Speed Limit and Crosswalk Signs

The Kate Sullivan Elementary and Cobb Middle school zones are marked/signed as a continuous school zone, and the school zone speed limit on Miccosukee Road is often disregarded or unnoticed by through traffic at peak morning and afternoon travel times.  

  • There are only two flashing School Zone/speed limit signs on Miccosukee Road for the combined Kate Sullivan and Cobb school zones. Vehicles entering the school zone via Mitchell and Crestview do not pass a flashing sign. 
  • From 7:45 – 8:30am and 2:30 – 3:15pm, a line of vehicles forms in the eastbound lane of Miccosukee Road to turn into the drop off/pick up area of Kate Sullivan.  Through often traffic uses the turn lanes in the center of Miccosukee Road as a travel lane.  This lane has limited sight lines at the crosswalks and the vehicles move at a higher rate of speed, endangering crossing guards and students.


  • Install additional school zone signage and/or elevated warning/flashing signs on Miccosukee Road within the school zone.
  • Install new warning/flashing crosswalk signs at the mid-block crosswalk between Mitchell and Crestview and at the crosswalk at Mitchell and Miccosukee. 

Issue 2: Miccosukee Road and Mitchell Avenue Traffic

From 7:45 – 8:30am and 2:30 – 3:15pm, traffic backs up on Mitchell Avenue as vehicles try to turn left onto Miccosukee Road and merge into the line of vehicles waiting to drop off or pick up students.

  • Due to the heavy vehicle and pedestrian traffic during these times, opportunities for drivers to make this left turn are very limited, thus vehicles pull out across the westbound lane of Miccosukee when crossing guards stop traffic for pedestrians.  Still unable to merge into the eastbound lane, these vehicles then block through traffic and limit line of sight for crossing guards, prevent school buses from safely turning onto Mitchell and impede right turns from Mitchell onto Miccosukee.


  • Designate the intersection as "No Left Turn" from Mitchell Avenue onto Miccosukee Road during peak school zone traffic times and/or provide the school and its crossing guards a portable "No Left Turn" sign to be used during peak hours.



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Last Comments

Mary Buman   ( 2022-09-21 04:44:57 )

Terrific explanation!
Shawna Fricke Phaff   ( 2022-10-01 21:44:28 )

This blew me away!
Anonymous commenter   ( 2022-09-23 06:18:18 )

I love how you connected these ideas!
Anonymous commenter   ( 2022-10-03 02:43:59 )

This paragraph is brilliant!
