#Hawaii Animal Welfare Law #animal abuse #animal neglect
To whom it may concern,
For far too long, Hawaii’s lax laws has allowed a multitude of animals to continue suffering under their abusers, and it’s time for our laws to change and properly be enforced. So many times, I, along with others have voiced our concerns to Hawaiian Humane Society, Hawai’i Police Department, and journalists from the newscast agencies to raise awareness to the public, to urge for the end of animal abuse, and to enforce animal protections. Sadly, many times, NOT ENOUGH IS DONE, and countless animals continue to suffer under the lack of care and disregard from their perpetrators.
There are gaps in our laws that serve as loopholes that will allow an offender and/or repeat offender to continue animal abuse. For example, a person is only banned from owning a pet for a 5 year minimum if convicted of a first degree count of animal cruelty. After the 5 years are up, an offender could REOFFEND and own and harm innocent animals in the future. This is insane!
Hawai’i law allows for ‘customary cropping’, which I’m inferring to mean cropping of ears and tails. Customary should be further defined. Does customary mean MUTILATION and pain by traditional cropping of pit bull ears for aesthetic purposes, with no benefit to them? Are we saying this is allowed?
What’s so alarming to me is that there are so many animals that SUFFER due to NEGLECT, probably more than anything else! What kind of message does that send to our community if an offender receives a 2nd degree animal cruelty charge and it’s only counted as a misdemeanor?! It’s only counted as a FELONY when it’s more than 10 dogs!! Are we saying that a single life of a dog and its well being is not important enough to warrant a felony charge?! Crazy!! All animal lives matter, just like human lives!! Neglect is just as painful as a kick or slap, and can even be more painful than a physical injury, especially if it’s prolonged. BOTH classes and degrees should hold a felony charge, as they both inflict unnecessary suffering and harm to innocent animals.
There have been improvements in our most recent tethering laws, but shouldn’t this law be revised to include a time frame for tethering, so dogs do not have to be permanently confined? What about animals that are also CAGED FOR THEIR ENTIRE LIVES?! That takes a HUGE toll on their psychological health!!
There needs to be MORE done!! There needs to be more staffing available to be ready to address a situation that has limited time constraints. Staff could be needed for a rescue, and waiting for a member to be available to investigate and rescue could mean the death of these innocent animals!! I’m begging you to please do more to help!!
You, our legislators, are in the position of power to help these defenseless animals with NO VOICE as they count on compassionate people to be that voice and to enforce action to protect their well being!! Provide more FUNDING and STAFF and work together with Hawaii Police Department,Hawaiian Humane Society, and the judges and prosecutors to enforce harsher consequences for offenders!! If we can do this as a community, our Hawai’i can be a safer place for all!!
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