Keep Sarah Sykes behind bars

Target: 1500
Start petition: 2022-09-26 23:24:31


Does this look like a woman who shows any remorse to you? Not only is she smiling now she was smiling then while the families of 17 year old Scott Allen Bonar and 14 year old Krilissa Renee Feldmann read their statements. Sarah may of not pulled the trigger but if it wasn’t for her being a jealous girl these two would be here today, She showed three men to the home where a bunch of teenagers were and they opened fire on the home with no care of who was inside or what lives would be taken. The families lives are forever changed along with each teenager who was inside the home. Scott and Krilissa was COMPLETELY innocent and had their entire lives in front of them and it was stollen over nothing. Please take a few minutes to sign and keep her where she belongs.

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Domenico Veglia   ( 2022-09-29 14:27:52 )

I can tell you are motivated! I love it!

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