Flight For Life in Colorado was the nations first civilian air ambulance program. Their orange helicopters, airplanes, and ambulances are a beacon of hope on the worst day of peoples lives and iconic in Colorado. Peter Banko, the CEO of Centura Health (the parent company of Flight For Life) wants to change the color of the aircraft and ambulances to blue and green to fit his idea for the new image of Centura. In addition to stomping out the iconic orange, this venture will cost well over a million dollars (helicopters and airplanes are not cheap to repaint!). On the heals of a global pandemic and a time when moral in the healthcare industry is at an all time low, spending that kind of cash on a paint job is irresponsible and foolish. Additionally, the bright orange color is easily seen in the sky and safer for the crews onboard the aircraft. Sign this petition to tell Peter Banko and the leadership of Centura to KEEP FLIGHT FOR LIFE ORANGE!
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