Restore Full MHA Voting Rights for Those Living Off Reservation

Target: 100
Start petition: 2022-07-18 05:25:44

#Democracy    #Voting Rights legislation    #mail in ballots    #Democracy for natives    #Native American issues    #north dakota   

In the Mandan, Hidatsa, & Arickara tribal election year (2022, held at the Ft. Berthoud Indian Reservation in North Dakota, voting requires two trips (one for the primary, and one for the election).  The majority of enrolled voting members live off the reservation.  This limits our participation and involvement in the process.  There is NO mail-in voting options. Currently Minot ND (the closest airport at 75 miles) only has 3 direct flights which only serve:

  1. Minneapolis
  2. Las Vegas
  3. Phoenix.   
  • Thus, travel is limited and extremely costly.  This creates a hardship for members who live off the reservation.   The majority of enrolled members live off the reservation.  The purpose of these elections is to vote for those who will best represent us.  This cannot be accomplished if they do not allow reasonable accommodations for voting.

We ask MHA Nation to:

  1. Allow for absentee mail-in ballots.  Enrolled tribe members previously had the ability to vote by mail until it was revoked in 1986.


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Last Comments

Derrick Orgeron   ( 2022-10-03 07:02:16 )

Youve made a lot of progress!

Top 10 donaters

Tina Fina Lineback: 30 $
( 2022-07-19 05:55:09 )
