Brantley County Georgia Needs An Animal Shelter and Animal Contr

Target: 2500
Start petition: 2022-07-27 19:05:21

#Animal rights dogs    #Animal rights cats    #Animal Control Abuse    #animal cruelty awareness    #animal welfare laws   

Brantley County is long overdue in needing county animal control/animal shelter. The county has been overrun by stray dogs and cats that are often dumped at people’s homes, on the streets and highways. Most are not spayed or neutered making the problem only worse. When people have called about the issue, they’ve been often told to just shoot the animal, (even non-threatening) which is a crime. Some say nothing is done because they have no resources/time. Bad pet owners are allowed to continually abuse and neglect. Please let our commisioners know we need an animal shelter for BC! 

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Last Comments

Anonymous commenter   ( 2022-09-20 11:25:46 )

You are showing exceptional understanding!
Anonymous commenter   ( 2022-09-06 16:54:09 )

You rocked this!
