The purpose of this Petition is to safeguard our Wonderboom Rese

Target: 2500
Start petition: 2022-08-01 12:40:10

#purpose   #Petition   #safeguard   #Wonderboom   

Businesses and Residents are very much affected every time there is a fire at the Wonderboom Reservoirs.


It creates fear of the possible damages and losses, and it has become an unsafe place.


Residents have complained many times of illegal squatters and crime has increased in the area.


We need Tshwane to appoint security guards, urgently! We had security guards in the past


Cllr. Lenise Breytenbach

081 733 0000

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Last Comments

Anonymous commenter   ( 2022-09-27 01:45:03 )

You are so smart!
Debbie Sunnarborg   ( 2022-08-23 17:21:51 )

My goodness, how impressive!
Anonymous commenter   ( 2022-08-31 19:00:37 )

This is very well thought out!
Nancy Coons   ( 2022-09-02 03:13:20 )

You make me want to learn more about this topic!

Top 10 donaters

Anonymous donater: 43 $
( 2022-08-12 19:26:53 )
Tina Stacy: 7 $
( 2022-09-24 18:52:02 )
