Have research done into treatment center for the safety of the y

Target: 100
Start petition: 2022-08-02 00:42:49

#Democracy    #voting rights    #democracy    #protect voters    #Elections 2022   

Hi I’m brooke and I went to an abusive treatment center in Utah I was physically hurt and left with bruises and flash backs. I went there for a suicide attempt, anxiety and depression when I was 13 I’m nearly 16 and I can’t get over what they did to me there. My friend was sexually assaulted and inappropriately touch by a staff who never went to jail or prison. The staff nearly strangled my friend to death and pressure pointed and goosed us. They also pinched and Indian burned us. They tackled us and pulled on our ears. It made my mental health worse than when I went in. Please click and sign this petition so that me and everyone who needs helps can get it safely and not hurt to get what they want is to.  My friends hand was broken by them. This is common now for treatment centers and it’s not okay. Please help us get the help we all need.

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Last Comments

Anonymous commenter   ( 2022-09-04 11:07:33 )

I enjoyed reading this!
Lilibeth Verga   ( 2022-09-30 15:51:20 )

I love this! It made me laugh!
